Wake up, My Land!
This protest performance challenges the Hungarian government's communication strategy, urging citizens to act.
Vertical Moment
Vertical Moment is an immersive, interactive sound installation—a space where poetry, music, and the power of creation converge.
A "re:member" Pátkai Rozina összművészeti alkotása, amelyben a hang, a mozgókép és a napfény segítségével létrehozott klorofill nyomatok álomszerű emlékművet alkotnak.
The Slow Forward Manifesto
The Slow Forward Manifesto advocates for a shift from the fast-paced modern world to deliberate, thoughtful living.
Sound of Freedom
Sounds of Freedom is a sound installation, that honors the courageous women of Iran by amplifying their voices through an interactive soundmap.
Fading Fauna
How do we remember? How does nature hold memories of what it has lost? As the leaves hold the likeness of these animals and slowly lose them, the work creates a profound connection to the urgent reality that we are on the brink of losing entire species—silent witnesses to a changing planet.
Radioplay: Györgyi
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Pátkai Rozina's radioplay Györgyi was released, sharing her family's story through the memories of her aunt and father.
Protest poster
A referendum was held in Hungary on 3rd April 2022, coinciding with the parliamentary elections.The four questions were highly misleading, and it was crucial to invalidate this referendum due to the government's discriminatory perspective.
Polyphonic Soundscapes
The Polyphonic Soundscape is an interactive sound-map, where different areas produce sounds activated by hand movements.
Slide-Strip Collages
Rozina Pátkai's "Slide Strip Collages," created with Áron Tihanyi, repurpose cut-up 35mm slide strips into abstract, layered collages that blend archival imagery with contemporary art.